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Week 13 Report


In week 13, the team met on Monday to discuss design specifications for the progress report. This will help the team in making the several Pugh charts required for the progress report. The team decided to stick to a weighting system of numbers 1-5. The team felt that 1-10 was too specific and 1-5 could represent the weights the team needed. After deciding on design specifications and the weights of each, the team discussed approaches to the chosen solution of y channel. The team discussed different magnet orientations that could be used at the y junction and how easily they were to implement. (permanent magnet, electromagnet, rotating permanent magnet) Finally, the team discussed the progress report and divided the workload. Everyone will contribute to the alternative design Pugh Chart in accordance with which designs they drew up and presented to Mike (UN & UP). Results will be discussed at next meeting. Quin will handle the magnetic agitation Pugh Chart. Bert will handle the infusion Pugh Chart. Zane will work on the overview of the chosen solution. The team decided to have a rough draft of the progress report done by November 30th, the date of the next meeting.

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